
Loropio, Turkana, Kenya

Educating The Future: Sparking curiosity in the new technology, the opportunity to ignite imagination, discover and explore new horizons.

Help Make Wakanda Real

Your contribution is a direct investment in the education and empowerment of young girls at Loropio Girls Senior High School, and instrumental in helping us expand our facilities, by supporting essential teaching resources and equipping the new classrooms with advanced hardware for an enriched learning space. This ensures a dynamic and holistic learning environment, next to upgrading to a second set of dorms for 120 students and ongoing maintenance, creating a home for them and paving the way for sustainable development.

Thank you for being a part of this journey!

A classroom full of opportunity – the center for learning. Opening the door to empowered education. An educated girl is a force for change!

If you would like a tax-deductible donation (in Germany), kindly donate via bank transfer to the following account and details:

Stiftung Hilfsverein Nymphenburg
Keyword: Wakanda Girls
IBAN: DE74 7002 0270 0015 4088 11